Sunday, November 23, 2008

Naturopathic Medicine for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a degenerative condition in which the bones become fragile, brittle, and prone to breakage. Fractures of these porous bones occur most frequently in the hips, wrists, and spine. According to naturopathy, osteoporosis results from an imbalance between the ingestion and absorption of calcium into the body and its excretion. This loss of bone-building materials occurs as the body ages, and is particularly prevalent among post-menopausal women. 

Osteoporosis may not be painful in its earliest stages; however, as the condition progresses symptoms may include severe back pain, loss of height, a stooping posture, and debilitating fractures. Osteoporosis more frequently occurs with advancing age, a more sedentary lifestyle, and with acceleration of mineral loss and the breakdown of bones.

In a healthy individual, bones are broken down and reformed about every three months, a process called remodeling. By age 25-30, an individual reaches what is called “peak bone mass,” after which more bone is lost than is formed. As the individual ages, the risk of osteoporosis increases. The onset of osteoporosis depends to some extent on the base level of peak bone mass achieved earlier in life. The early stage of this process of progressive bone loss is called osteopaenia.

Naturopathic Medicine Treatment for Osteoporosis

Naturopathic medicine offers a variety of natural treatments to help combat and reverse osteoporosis, including diet changes, nutritional supplementation, exercise, hydrotherapy, and herbal medicine.

With osteoporosis, the naturopathic principle of prevention through a healthy diet rich in bone-building nutrients and a routine of weight-bearing exercise is of primary importance. Bone strength reaches its peak by age 30 and decreases gradually as a person ages. Even after osteoporosis is diagnosed, applying naturopathic principles of diet and exercise can minimize the progressive loss of bone density and promote healing.

Diet and Nutrition for Osteoporosis

Naturopathic approaches to treatment of osteoporosis will first consider the individual’s dietary habits. Certain foods and drugs may slow the absorption of the calcium necessary for healthy bones. Osteoporosis is best prevented by adequate intake of calcium-rich foods and vitamin D, naturally available through sunlight.

Certain foods and supplements may help prevent or delay onset of osteoporosis or minimize its damage and should be included in the diet:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Green leafy vegetables such as collard, kale, turnip, and dandelion greens
  • Salmon, halibut, tuna and sardines
  • Flax seed oil
  • Raw, unsalted nuts and seeds, particularly sesame
  • Garlic, onions, eggs, avocado
  • Nutritional supplements such as calcium, magnesium and Vitamins D and K-2 and Strontium citrate

Certain foods and substances that interfere with calcium absorption include:

  • Nicotine products
  • Carbonated sodas, alcohol and caffeinated drinks
  • Excessive salt and sugar
  • Foods high in oxalic acid (oxylates), such as spinach, rhubarb, beet greens, chard, and almonds
  • Red meat and dairy products

Red meat and dairy products interfere with the absorption of calcium because they contain high amounts of protein. The more protein a person consumes, the less calcium is absorbed by the body. Most Americans eat a diet very rich in protein, primarily from animal products. Increasing calcium intake or decreasing protein intake can help offset this dietary imbalance.

Exercise for Osteoporosis

A diagnosis of osteoporosis may require some change in one’s exercise routine to minimize damage to a weakened skeletal structure. Continued exercise is important for overall health. It is best to consult with a naturopathic physician to determine one’s level of skeletal strength before initiating strenuous exercise routines. Following a diagnosis of osteoporosis, one should develop an exercise routine that includes:

  • Flexibility exercises to increase joint mobility
  • Low impact aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, swimming, dancing and bicycling
  • Exercises to strengthen muscles and help slow bone mineral loss
  • Yoga increases flexibility and balance

With osteoporosis, one should avoid high impact exercises such as jogging and jumping, as well as exercises that involve forceful twisting movements. These may lead to compression injuries of the spine.

Hydrotherapy and Osteoarthritis

Hydrotherapy is used extensively in naturopathic medicine and is particularly helpful in the treatment of osteoporosis. Constitutional hydrotherapy involves the application of hot and cold applications to detoxify the body and improve circulation.

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